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How to wear your hair on your Wedding Day: My favorite Trends

Today we continue with our exploration of my personal Pinterest; how to wear your hair on your wedding day. I have a small obsession with hair. Styling it, dying it, putting random things in it. So, I realize this can be a bit of an overwhelming decision. There is just so much to choose from. Be sure to factor in things like the weather, if your wedding happens to be outdoors. For example, are you getting married on the beach? You probably don’t want to wear your hair down as it could whip  you or your fiance in the face and take away from your special moment. Let me narrow it down for you with my favorite trends. [Disclaimer: The images shown below are not mine. They are taken from my Pinterest. Please explore it further if you want to know the awesome photographers or blogs that posted these.]

1. The Classic Updo


Now within this category the possibilities are endless. It’s totally up to you how structured or loose you’d like to wear it. There are braids and twists and buns and side do’s. It really is the most regal and well known way to wear your hair on the day you get married. If you want to keep it classic, this is the way to go.

2. The Single Braid


Or more specifically the single fishtail braid. This look is gorgeoussss. I’m a sucker for the fishtail. It can be messy or perfect and still look like a dream. It’s a great way to keep your hair out of your way without pinning it completely up. I love this look.

3. Wild & Free


This seems to be a new-ish trend. This look says: This is my natural hair, I didn’t touch it. I’m a free spirit and I’m just going to let my hair do it’s own thing. This may actually be the case, you may not have touched and it and just looks this gorgeous. Or it may take a lot of work to get to this look. Not a bad thing!! It’s beautiful either way. This may be a controversial style, but I’m on board.

4. Down but Structured


Another of the more classic style. This is the look that’s full of perfect pin-curls or finger waves. Or maybe it’s straight, smooth and structured. It’s beautiful any way you spin it.

5. Hair Accessories


 I could do an entire blogpost on this subject alone. If you’re not wearing a veil or want to remove it after your ceremony, you may want to try this look. There are so many different options, including flower crowns, lace, pearls, feathers, barrettes, to custom pieces you find on Etsy. My biggest advice is to shop around, on Pinterest even. Narrow it down to which you think is the most beautiful and search for your signature piece within that category. And of course you can add these to any of the above options.

So there you have it, all my favorite looks. I hope this helps you to choose style or a direction. Next week we will search for the perfect shoe. Oh girls, I love me some shoes. Let me know in the comments below about your how you wore or are planning to wear your hair.

–  Leah

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