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I’m Back!

Hello and Happy Summer!! Long time, no see but here I am! Back at it. Well, that is to say, I never REALLY left. I’ve still been working behind the scenes for the past few years but took a major step back from posting on Social Media. The world was crazy and changing in all sorts of (mostly negative) ways and I just needed to breathe. But now I’m back here again with a new lease on life, ready to resume taking beautiful photos for my clients and sharing them here and on instagram.

This is just a quick shot from the beach last year. I can just hear this photo. Waves, seagulls and the faint sound of people milling around the area. Something about visiting the beach or the mountains, or any little getaway is so refreshing. The past few years (before 2023) I’ve definetly made it a habit to skip the vacation and save some money. But I noticed it hasn’t served me much. Even just a short road trip inspires this artist in a big way. We’re headed to the beach in a couple weeks and I can’t wait to let my soul breathe.

Stay tuned as I will be making some posts on what I’ve been up to and share some gorgeous photos as well.

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